Sporting Prowess

Created by alanalangiles 5 years ago
Mum loved sport. In her youth she was a competitive swimmer, specialising in breaststroke, and when we were kids she could easily swim the length of a pool with just three breaststroke kicks! She also played hockey and netball for her school, but her real love was tennis and she reached a high standard, peaking when she played at Queen's club! Wimbledon was the highlight of her television year, being glued to the set for the two weeks, excepting when she and Dad had managed to get tickets. They were so excited when they came back from matches, overcome by a Hoad - Rosewall marathon or some wonderful doubles match. She was an avid enthusiast right up to the end, watching this year's Wimbledon on TV and commenting on all the players. It was lovely to share this with her.